In english
Musiikkikoulu Lentoon!
We are a small, private music school in Oulu that provides lessons for piano, classical and electric guitar and ukulele. Eepu Sankilampi is the leader of the school who teaches piano. Other teachers are Saara Kajula (piano), Ella Sällinen (piano), Petri Lusikka (piano and guitar) and Jussi Kaakkolammi (guitars, ukulele). The location of our school is in Ritaharju, Talatie 17 B 3. Eepu provides lessons also in her home in Oinaansuo.
The semester prices for individual lessons:
Spring season 2025 (17 weeks)
30 min lessons (8+9 weeks) 217,60 + 244,80€ (27,20€ /lesson)
45 min. lessons (8+9 weeks) 312 + 351€ (39€ /lesson)
Single lessons 37€/30min and 50€/45min.
The terms and conditions
If you want to start lessons in our music school, just send email to and ask for free slots. The best chance to find a suitable time for you is in august, when we start autumn semester. Though, you can enrol to our lessons at anytime throughout the year. If you start the semester later than it started, you pay only for the weeks that are left. Eepu will send you the link for the registration form.
We charge the lessons twice per semester, other options are also possible. If you want to stop the lessons during the semester, please inform us two weeks before the autumn or spring holiday weeks (weeks 43 and 10) so we have time to find new student to fill the slot and you don´t have to pay the remaining half of the semester. Reminder of the invoice will cost 7€. Penalty interest will be 9,5%.
If you can´t come to your lesson, unfortunately we cannot replace it. We can have the lessons online as well, via zoom, if you like. In case you feel any symptoms of illness but still feel that you are able attend lessons, we can have the lesson online, or send videos from student to teacher and vice versa. Please inform your teacher at the latest in the night before if you wish to have your lesson online.
If your teacher must cancel your lesson, she/he will provide it later. Just schedule the time that suits you both.
Weeks 10 and 43 are holiday weeks, no lessons.
If you have anything else in your mind, please do not hesitate to ask: and 0449990670.